Sammy Special


Random Thoughts
Alchemy for Alcs
Contact The Sammy Special
Demo CD
Demo CD

Well, we finally got some shit done, and I'm not going to lie to you, or blow this up bigger than it really is.   Here's the deal, we have a few songs that we are going to work on and create a demo cd from.  This cd in the least, will rock harder than any other demo cd created, by anyone in the course of humanities history.  In fact this cd will be so good, that all existing bands will cease to play music, as our cd is so good that other bands will understand that they will never be able to match our raw talent and perfection of the song creation process.  So with all of this in mind enjoy the downloads before we start charging for the cd that comes out after we make little demo cds, which will probably be free or cost money.   Anyways when we get it all done, ill post information on how to get a copy of it. Laaaaaate.

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