Sammy Special


Random Thoughts
Alchemy for Alcs
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Alchemy for Alcs

Welcome to Room 13...... need we say more?

Shots are a quick way to work a buzzz up..
This shot is an original replication of the classic cold medicine---- identical flavor, blue color, and of course it will give you the medicine wince.
.30  Blue Curacao
.40 DeKuyper Amaretto
.30 DeKuyper Peach Schnapps
When Ben asked for a shot, I reached under Brando's bar and grabbed two bottles without even looking.  Seemed it would work, yeah good shit, and all good things need a name so why not... um... oil slick.
.90  Sambuca
.10  Jagermeister
A favorite of mine, goes well with any night of drinking.
.50  Southern Comfort
.50  Premium Amaretto
Tom Bremer suggests this, so here it is.  Most of the time we dont have all 3 handy so my substitute is taking three consequtive Jager shots in 3 seconds.
.33  Jagermeister
.33  Rumpleminze
.33  Bacardi 151
All righty.  Thats how we do.  All right all you Sammy Special fans... girls love the fruity cocktails.  They also like sucking cylindrical objects, so give them this drink and you will be on your way.
A tropical taste and a fucked up appearance.  The blue curacoa will descend and make tripped out swirls and fade blue to green to orange.
In a rocks glass fill with ice
.35  Captain Morgan Parrot Bay
.40  Orange Juice
.25  Sour Mix
Stir, then garnish by adding a splash and a half of Blue Curacao.
My variation on the Amaretto stone sour.  The secret ingredient is a whole lotta SoCo.  Great for breakfast!!
In a glass with rocks
.25  Amaretto
.50  Orange Juice
.25  Sour Mix
.25  Southern Comfort 
Stir and enjoy!
Thats it for now, more drinks to be added later like the Cosmo Kramer, but for now, rock out with your cock out!!!

Got any killer original drinks you want to bestow on some alcs?  Submit it... contact the sammy special!