Sammy Special


Random Thoughts
Alchemy for Alcs
Contact The Sammy Special
Demo CD

Just a Shot Away (Juggo theme)


In Tune



I cheated on you

Mental Picture 7.0

Hey kids, noticed I had a few songs that i didn't throw up here but i should have.  These 3 are from the mosquioto sessions, so yeah we are fucked up royally.  Anyways enjoy, and tell all your little friends about us or else we will send you poison.

Ode to Jack

on Neil's Couch


This song is a house favorite, we wrote it like the rest, as we were playing, and its about one of the actives, appropriately nicknamed Killer, if your ever curious about how he got that nickname, get him a bottle of Jack and piss him off......


Here is one of my fav's, Its one of the only songs we have redone more than once, because we like it THAT much, and I think you'll like it too, hint hint emus........

I cheated on You

This one is kinda sang by everyone in the room, mostly by Jordan aka Token, who's a pledge at our house.  Anyways this song is about Papa Johns chicken strips, and the damage they cause.

Fuck Papa Johns

Asron----  This song is sang by Neil, he's singing about my girlfriend at the time.  Anyways he's on the accoustic while i am fucking around with the electric in the background.
Neil-------  Aaron's solo is pretty cool, he's never been able to play it again though as simple as it is.  Either he's a good guitarist, or an ingenius drunk, but i never see him sober so i dont know.  Anyways, enjoy our drunken rendition of a song neither of us remembered until we played it four days later.

Mental Picture

This song is about Stan, another one of the actives, and remember the emus.....


This is the song that started it all, the first time I suggested we start recording shit on my computer, an evening of music known as the Mosquito Sessions.   Basically the song tells a tale of Sarah, an active's girl who made us speggetti, this is our way of saying thank you.

Sarah's Speghetti

This song is about Fuzzy Nuts, the house cat.  Now this cat was Neil's, but we think that he has since passed on.  He was a lovable cat, but he smelled like ass, so some of the actives would take him accross campus and drop him off at random spots...  Somehow he always made it back to by jumping in the basement window behind Tim Maloney whenever he had something important to say.  It was odd that he always came back while Tim was speaking...  Anyways that cat got alot of play cause he was a Kitty Pimp, so this song is dedicated to the one, the hung, Fuzzy nuts the cat AKA thergood (Half-Baked reference. I think so. )

Fuzzy Nuts

This is another song about Stan, shit what can I say, Stan is easy to write about, he's the only Black French Hatian in a Jewesh fraternity EVER, thats golden material!

Hatian Love

Aaron---------This next song is an instrumental, and it sounds really cool at first,but it craps out at the end, hey i never said i knew how to play lead guitar, let alone jam to a song i never heard before.
Neil------- It like seriously craps out.  We shoulda liek edited it or something, but who cares, it was off the top of our heads but like people think it was like a cover or something.  So thank you strokes, you kinda made this song sound presentable.

Stroke me

Ok, drunken nights have produced some fucked up songs, but one drunken night after watching the Doors movie, produced this.  Basically there are 3 of us singing, Neil, Token and myself.  I play the electric while i roll around in a frenzy... for some reason I think it sounds cool, but my solo may make you cringe.  Anyways its a song about the myth, the legend, the man of the hour, the tower of power to sweet to be sour , im talking bout Val Kilmer.
Neil-------- I love Aaron's Billy Corgan impersonation for the solo... like the soothing sound of a train wreck, hehehe! On a side note, this was the first song we ever did, not the first one recorded but the one that inspired us to rock out.

Val Kilmer

October 22, what can I say.  Its a song of which i wrote the chords for nearly a year ago, if not longer, and this dude Jordan (a different Jordan, not token) heard it during a party and asked if I had lyrics for it.  A week passed and I thought nothing of it, but he came over and said lets jam this song.  So we did, and I think maybe if i learn the words... and sing better.... much better, this song could rock like none other.

October 22

Aaron-------This next one is a song being sang to Courtney by Neil.  Courtney was this hot chick that used to come over here and get naked all the time.  After she had  gotten her nipples pierced she loved to show them off, and she even let the pledges touch em.  She doesn't come over anymore, basically the story behind that is, she said she complained that she couldn't find a nice guy to date..  Well I'm sorry but if your looking to find a nice guy and not a one night stand, it would help to not be a stripper that doesn't get paid to do it..  Anyways my image of her was ruined when she dropped her panties.  Let's just say she was really beat up...... like really, really beat up.... I mean... goddamn.... it shouldn't hang out like that....
Neil-----------  Yeah so i made up this song right in front of her and i thought it was kinda cute, but the only applause i got was from one of the pledges.  So Token, thank you dude.


Aaron--- This song... is about stuff, i dunno what, but it rhymes, it has a guitar and singing.. so its a song.
Neil--- Actually its a song off the top of my head about a guy who thinks hes in love but its just his prick telling him to stick around and get some play.
Aaron--- So a song finally thats not about Stan.
Neil--- Thats right.... finally.

Till' I Find You

The next song was recorded after a week of choas.  Anyways I wanted to laugh at my problems so this is my own way of doing so.  Oh yeah, I think this is the most fucked up I'd ever been while doing this.  If I've learned anything, I've learned one thing.  Jack Daniels the man must have been a Dickhead to have that drink named after him.

Jack Daniels must have been an Asshole
