Sammy Special

Random Thoughts
Alchemy for Alcs
Contact The Sammy Special
Demo CD


"Hey it's all good, all guys beat off anyways, and when your done there is always 5 seconds of guilt, then everything is cool"  Aaron




Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates, but alot of new stuff has transpired.  The Sammy Special has become anew, since the joining of Adam Ross (an old buddy of mine from the Tweek days), and the search for a bassist continues,  the name of the Sammy Special may be a thing of the past.  My reasoning behind this is because the only Sammy's in the band are Neil and myself (AA-ron),  sooo we are tossing around a few names, the one we are currently using is The Chasers.  Personally I'd really like to come up with something along the lines of OverDub, Knockout, Filler, Or maybe even ressurect the Tweek name.  Anyways love to hear your opinions as well as what you think of our new song "Just a Shot Away".  We wrote this for a golf company, and you can check them out at  The song itself is going to be re-written without the Golfy theme it currently has, cause we really like the music we put together for it.  So anyways take it easy everyone and make sure to treat your girl nice on V-day,  cause if not she just might come crawling to us for some lovin, Laaaaaate.

Hey everyone, whats up, hope you had a good time on new yearz, I know I did.  Went to the house with Bryan, Kristen, Tony his gf Joana, got plastered danced and whatnot, we all passed out at like 5am.  The ride up there kicked ass, but the ride back... really really sucked, i felt so shitty, i slept away the entire day cause i couldn't fuckin move, haven't gotten really trashed in like... 2 weeks! It's crazy, I gotta work up my endurance or something.  Anyways no real big updates other than a few pics i posted, a new rant, and check us out at, i put a few songs on there for kicks.  Well take it easy all, I'm out, laaaaaaaaaaaate.

December 25th,
Hey Kids,what can I say, its AA.Merry Christmas to everyone out there. I hope everyone got what they wanted, I know I did, SOCKS!!!! Lots of socks! Like 3 packs of socks! Money too, but SOCKS I TELLS YA!  Anyways, I'm in a damn good mood as of late, everything is cool.  But I won't bore any of you with the details, cause I'm sure you don't care how my life is going..... Insensitive fuckers, you won't stop till you have my blood, WILL YOU?!?  Well in closing, no real new updates today, but I am working on a few projects even though Neil isn't around to co-write em.  So I'll wait till I get some imput from him on em b4 they are posted.  I'll prolly have to pick up another tripod site just so I can store more music, this site is pretty much filled up!  Then again 20mb isn't all that much space when it comes to music files.  So anyways I'm gonna kick back and watch the Crow: Salvation, Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.

Hey kids, got some new news for ya.  First off new versions of Val Kilmer and Mental Picture are up. You can check em out in the music section of the page.  Also I'd like to give a shout out to Pottifer's Penny for playin a show in our basement, they are a cool band and you should definately check them out at  Second in line, aparently we caused some sort of controversy at the Levi's Building in San Fransisco.  A friend of ours played a few songs for her fellow co-workers, and apparently her boss, Alan (or as I like to call him Capt. Dickweed)  did not approve of our style of music.  So to make a long story short he called a meeting to discuss why our music doesn't co-exist with the Levi's way of life or something, I dunno I wasn't there, but he sounds like a dick, and from what I heard he's up for tax evasion, and he's fat.  So Chubbs Mcgee, if you ever read this, I laugh at your existance, cause i bet you could prove our good friend Buddy Lee wrong, because a fat ass is more than enough to bust those jeans.

Monday, December 2
Lately we've been writing and rehashing lyrics to many of our songs.  Keep your eyes open for a new version of Val Kilmer with some polished and funny as fuck lyrics.  Till I find You was another song that we were attempting to give some flava.  We've had alot of response to the song its just the original improv had one verse and then I trailed off into drunken murmers.  On the note of drunken murmers, as of now Sarah (sarah's spaghetti) and I Cheated on You will be kept in their most recent formats unless we think of awesome lyrics to put in place of the already mint lyrics.  Well anyways as always, you will hear it first here about ten minutes after we record our shit, fresh, unedited, from the heart, and likely from the bottom of a bottle. Laaaate.
Wednesday, December 4
In the depths of recording.  We might touch on a few covers that have hit the heart..... roulette.  For anyone who hasnt heard the song be sure to get the acoustic download of it from s.o.a.d.  We are entering a serious side in our music writing finally, not that our spliffs and antedotes werent fun and entertaining for all but the flip side of that expression is all the stuff that makes us feel and which would make some great songs.  Have a great winter~


Hey everyone, I'm fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckin waaaaaaaaaaaaasted! That means its time to write some music.  Basically what this site is all about is a band right?  This band that consists of myself, AA-ron (Nice nickname Ben, you fucking ducherag) , and my roomate Neilio.  Our band, which is by far the best fucking band ever, performs live and unrehearsed songs about anything off the top of our heads thanks to a steady stream of shots and Mickey's 40's, the best 2.50 worth of malt liqour you can buy!!  Anyways It's like 4 am and I'm wide awake, so I'm making this goddamn page.  Now, if your looking at this page, your prolly a friend of mine that I sent it to, and you will laugh your ass off at some of these songs, or you will shake your head in disgust and say to yourself, and possibly me "what a fucking moron".... In which case i will have a pack of rabid Emu's delivered to your house to kick the shit out of you, and believe you me, Emus have no mercy whatsoever, because their emus and they eat shrubberry and small plants.  They prolly eat bugs too, cause bugs are small and could make a tasty dish for the noble emu.  Anyways I suggest you just sit the fuck down, laugh and tell me how great I am, or those Emus will rob you of your decency when they bend you over the kitchen table.

All songs are performed live, improvised, unrehearsed, and unedited by AA and Neil, The Sammy Special, only 5.99 Chicks Dig the Package.